Social Marketing
Social Marketing allows an organization or business to have a two-way dialogue with your target audience, customers, or networks. Using a keen sense of community, this opportunity opens new ways to engage, inspire, and motivate action with your customers.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing utilizes common social media networks that individuals engage with to gather, join, or communicate in groups or communities. Our programs use information and entertainment to engage audiences and join the communication within these networks. The aim is to influence the purchasing decisions of buyers, such as their attitudes towards the brand, encourage behaviours, and change perspectives within a community.
How often do you respond to comments on my social channels?
Social media is a two-way communication platform. Our team uses ‘social listening’ strategies to find ideal opportunities to engage and respond within these networks, groups, and communities. Communication is a goal of a healthy social media program and our team seek opportunities to grow two-way dialogues whenever possible.
Are you going to post on my personal accounts or only our corporate accounts?
If we are working with a business or organization we will only work with their business pages, groups, or accounts. The only exceptions are personal brands and public figures.
What is ‘social listening’?
Social Listening is the practice of measuring the engagement and appeal of an organization through monitoring, measuring, and engaging with audiences on social networks. Typically combining both a hands-on communication strategy and an analytical study of sentiment and language aimed at improving long-term approval and engagement with an audience.
How do you choose which social media networks to post to?
We offer Social Media programs on a variety of social networks. Each organization has unique audience behaviours and preferences that will define where the strongest opportunities exist.
Will I still own my business’ social media accounts?
Yes. Atrium will never take ownership of your accounts.
Looking to Learn More About How Social Marketing Can Help Your Organization?
Ready to Build a Reliable
Marketing System?
Speak directly with a marketing professional that can guide you through the steps needed to identify your goals, focus your business model, and structure the systems and routines needed to achieve consistent results.
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